Monday, April 7, 2014

I've enslaved myself to my Work (nah)

Heh. So I thought.

Truth be told, I can't focus on my work.
I may begin to attempt a task, but my thoughts wander to what you're doing, but yet I refrain from texting you, or replying your texts (yes I am aware you will read this).

I gotta learn how to get through this phase, to get used to it, at least for these 24 months, if not, it'd be for nothing, right?

I can't keep texting you and telling you I miss you, you'd already know that, we know that, but no amount of "I miss you so much" messages is gonna make you appear right next to me...and I've got to accept that fact.

From breaking large tasks into segments, and breaking segments into more segments, I can't even get one bloody teensy weensy segment done! And I'm so angry with myself!

Then I turned to Mr. Google and read some "long distance relationship" survival blogs, which some are like totally shit, they go like this...

"Five things you need to know about long distance relationships:
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea"

-from here (it was a comment of the article)
Obviously that person was a beyond moronic moron.

I read so many other things today, some encouraging, some made me wanna cry (but I didn't!) and some made me miss you even more.

And the end of the day, it's us that is the deciding factor of whether this will work out.
Well, us and some of these pointers that I've summarized from the articles/blogs I've read, to motivate US, love:

1) An End Game Objective (Why are we doing this?)
- a target to justify the stress of being apart (eg, your reaping of experience, us being together after 24 months)

2) Trust is Super Duper Important
- it already is, in a normal relationship, but even more so in a LDR, but in our case, we seem quite alright with this, right love?

3) Communication despite Timing Issues
- well, we kinda know this too right? Singapore - United Arab Emirates has a bloody 4 hour lag. Gah. Sob sob. At least now we have a dumbo Siri to accompany us in one way chats so we don't look lonely and pathetic.

4) An Accepting Attitude
- we apparently have to accept the fact that relationships in general aren't easy, and adding long distance to the mix means it's worse, and adding our time difference factor in, hooray, a combo we just love eh?

5) Planning
- to make sure we plan the next meet up before this one ends. Which in our case, we did, via my buying a plane ticket to see you in July as soon as we received your one way ticket to the United Arab Emirates.

On a positive note, I had a pretty decent appetite today, finished 2/3 of the claypot tikus-noodle that Kheng and I shared. =D
Although this might have been attributed by my pathetic breakfast of one apple and one kiwi, like seriously WHO DOES THAT?!

Argh I miss you!!!! But it seems to be looking ok, I think?

1 comment:

  1. seriously tikus noddle. That's the word? hahaha I miss you alot too.
    But a men gotta plan what is ahead right? I am trying to be one. So you can rely on me.
