Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Night 12: Pile it On

Work, is getting a lil crazy.

This week is the week of the crunch.

The week we begin to see 9pm as "early" and 12am as "norm".
The week we begin to play mind games with ourselves.
The week we irk the client to no end.
The week we push each team member (in a good way, hopefully).
The week we get pushed by our managers.
The week we begin to question ourselves at every breathing second,


I always have an answer, but this answer eludes me in my weakest moments.
I like the challenge.
I like doing the job that no one thinks is humane.
I like beating the odds.
I like it.

Not because of the money. (it sucks)
Not because of the clients. (sometimes they suck)
Not because of the bosses. (90% they're backstabbers)

More because of the people I get to work with, not that it works out in every place.
More because of the things I get to see.
More because of the knowledge I gain.
More because of how much it makes me grow, in person, in mind, in life.

I used to be this super biatch in my ex-firm, like, total pain-in-the-f**king-ass biatch.
Scaring my juniors to no end, getting branded the "fierce" and "scary" person to work with.

This is not to say I don't have that label now, but I have really toned down as compared to before, and these words are not from me, Thank Goodness! But from my peers who happened to see me at my worst, and see me now, at my improved version.

I'm glad to have them in my life, they motivate me to continue changing.

I don't really like the comments I received that I'm fierce nowadays, because I am truly trying to be better than I was yesterday. And I try first, to be nice, but due to a lack of patience (still working on it), I give up after 2-3 times of being nice, and let the old me surface to take charge because sometimes things need to get done and someone's got to take a stand.

Recently, I've taken up the challenge to "TOLERATE".

But I told myself, hey, since you named one of the reasons why you love your job as "loving the challenge" then hey, why not?

I plan to set myself a new challenge each day from tomorrow onwards.

Challenge for tomorrow: DO NOT COMPLAIN. (15 April 2014)

This is a mad challenge for me but I know I'm getting on some of my friends' nerves by over-complaining and I'd like to stop.

This is gonna be quite good.

After thought: Can I complain in here instead of verbally??????? *wince*

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