Saturday, April 12, 2014

I love my job I love my job I love my job

OMGEEEEEE. I received a package in the office mail, freaking thick package. >.<

-le fat package-

Background info: My job requires me to constantly receive documents from my clients, but action documents are never more than 10 pieces at a time, and these 10 pieces consist of stacks of maximum 4-5 pages, ONLY.

I hoped and hoped and hoped that this package wasn't containing action documents, but I was wrong, how gloomy.

Turns out the package consisted of 4 stacks, with numbers of pages, as follows:

Stack 1: <20 pages - still alright, I guess
Stack 2: 87 pages - le sigh~
Stack 3: 441 pages - OMGWTFBBQAreYouFriggingKIDDINGME
Stack 4: 163 pages - I no longer give a shit about >100 pages after Stack 3.

HOORAY for WORK. T______T

Further information, I am not senile, I did not count the pages in the stacks to come up with those figures, there were indicative numbers on the upper right corner of each page:

Page xx of 441. SHIT.

Approximately one ream worth of action documents. [The tree huggers are gonna kill me]

Hence why I said, I love my job I love my job I love my job.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I wanna find pasta now, this is making me hungry.

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