Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I miss Tanjung Bungah Goreng Pisang

I just had a very disappointing banana fritter. Sob Sob.
I blame the cute little tourist girl who was happily munching on hers in front of me at the table we shared.

Geez, talk about the power of suggestion and illusion. My weak minded tummy, why you so greedy!

Sigh. The lack luster of that banana fritter made me miss the best banana fritters I've ever tasted, in Penang, Malaysia.

ARGH I miss those Banana Fritters.

Photo credit: PenangFoodForThought
The skin is so crispy and it tastes so good.
Dating a culinary guy makes me so picky man! But seriously, this banana fritter I just ate had this weird after taste of too much frying batter that did not seem to compliment the banana.
But the stall I got my banana fritter from today is rather popular.
Wonder whether it will be as popular when people taste the real and awesome Tanjung Bungah Banana Fritters.
 I'm not impressed by these (SGD1.50 per banana fritter summore!!!!)

Night 15: Brotzeit w/ the Colleagues

Yes. Thursday night, the new Friday of the week, seeing as Good Friday is a holiday, I went out with my colleagues.

Drinks at Brotzeit

I have no reasons not to, going home and staring at the blank wall doesn't seem like a better option.


It was a pleasant time. After a very long drama filled day at the office/client place.


Beer is totally my best friend. Aiya who am I kidding. ALCOHOL is my family.

The Bayrischer Long Drink - mine 

The Sausage Platter - before 

The Sausage Platter - After, shared amongst the table

Good company, great chatter, great beer.

Night 14: MyKuali Penang White Curry Instant Noodles

Hahaha! Superman, do you remember lugging back that box of instant noodles for me? <3

A box was lugged that day

The highly popular latest craze instant noodles, The MyKuali Penang White Curry Instant Noodles, which takes after the Penang's beloved White Curry Noodles, has been all the rage amongst the Penang Foodies, or Foodies in general.

This craze made it easy for what I suspect was a marketing ploy, to plan for a "shortage" of these noodles, in its homeland, Malaysia, in order for the word of it to spread far and wide.

It worked really well, but when these noodles surfaced in large quantums in supermarkets around Singapore, there were some pretty vocal folks that openly accused MyKuali on their Facebook page of playing with supply and demand to increase their popularity.

Who can blame MyKuali????? Free marketing yo! Get real!

Anyway, mom gave me a heads up on the situation and told me that there was "black market" sales of these noodles at RM10 per SINGLE PACKET. The normal price is RM6.80 for 4 packets.

WALAOEH. One packet of instant noodles nia leh!

Seeing as my mom and dad were really keen on the noodles, I obliged and roped in my boy to hunt down the elusive MyKuali noodles.

We found them at Bishan's Giant Supermarket, sold at SGD 4.20 per 4 packets, which is still reasonable, as compared to the RM10 per packet rubbish.

I got the boyfie to cook me a pack for dinner the same night and he absolutely LOVED it, but I felt otherwise. Perhaps it's because I really really love the Penang Curry Noodles much more than the instant noodles.

The Real Penang White Curry Mee

Anyhow, I was packing to go home on Wednesday night, and when I opened my suitcase, I really could not resist but to snap a picture of the instant noodles I was bringing/smuggling home for mommy.

Noodle smuggler me

Epic shit. Smuggling home instant noodles to Malaysia from Singapore, which were originally made in Malaysia.

Whatever lah! Ho Chiak to me is only my ORIGINAL PENANG WHITE CURRY NOODLES.

Good Friday Weekend: Traveling back from Singapore to KL

Just a few days ago, I journeyed back to my home-city KL from Singapore.

As it was the Good Friday holidays, we braced ourselves that the usual 5 hour bus ride would most like extend to 6 or 6.5 hours, seeing as we took the Friday (holiday itself) morning bus back.

However, the entire ride took us 10 agonizing hours.

What happened?
1) We departed Novena Square at 9.30am (punctual)
2) We arrived at the Singapore checkpoint at 10.15am (still alright)
3) We left the Singapore checkpoint at 10.35am (okay)
4) We were stuck on the Tuas Second Link (in between Singapore and Malaysia) till 2.30pm


Technically, a 5 hour bus ride would indicate that we would arrive by 2.30pm.

This is stupid.

1) There was a Singapore-Malaysia football match going on that weekend (WHY?!)
2) Singapore apparently sent 80 bus loads of supporters (no idea if its true, not going to check)
3) It was timing that caused that JAM. We were stuck in that limbo due to the Malaysian Customs and Immigrations' staff going for their weekly Friday Muslim Prayers.

Imagine this, there were 13 counters at one Immigration center, only ONE was being operated.
By the time our bus arrived at 2.30pm, they (the customs officers) were calmly and coolly gallivanting back to their counters and finally all 13 counters were operational.

STUCK, due to ridiculous staff management.

Just one border, so much shit separates us.

ARGH. Buck up my homeland! What's wrong with you!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sushi Zanmai, One Utama

Back in KL for the Easter weekend with the family.

We headed to our fav hang out mall, One Utama to get our necessities in the comforts of a less-crazy-less-annoying crowd environment. 

One cuisine we love as a family, is Japanese. Mom's not too fond of Western or Western-related cuisines, haha.

Basically we queued for Zanmai as it was the most decent mid range food available that everyone agreed on.

I tried something new, an Avocado Salmon dish that I felt was really good.

Avocado Salmon (RM7.80)

Funny-not-so-nice things that happened:

1) Dad ordered a coffee that he had to self-prepare. "I-kid-you-not"

Key-Coffee (D.I.Y) (RM 6)

Dad meticulously studying the coffee-bag

2) The RM13.80 priced Salmon Belly, was not fresh. It was served warm.

Warm Salmon Belly (RM13.80)

I, needless to say, sent it back.

Overall, I still had a pleasant dinner sesh, despite the warm salmon belly which I was very much looking forward to. But oh well!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Night 13: Twyxt

We downloaded this app that's meant for communication between couples.

It's really cool!

There's functions for the couple to share a KISS where both parties have to place their finger on a particular button and when that happens, it triggers a kiss w the sound effects!

Then there's the function to SPANK each other along with the sound.

And a FREEZE button where it freezes the other persons screen. According to the app, this function is meant for when one party annoys the other, thus causing the annoyed person to freeze the other.
Not really applicable to us, we find the freeze function cool!

Couple are also able to share photos with each other (like Facebook, but between two people only), and feelings.
As such...

More feelings....

The best part? Privacy and security.
The app allows you to lock it specifically so no one is able to access it other than you.

We haven't been able to chat as much recently due to awful time zone issues and work hour clashes. 

But like he always says, have faith.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Night 12: Pile it On

Work, is getting a lil crazy.

This week is the week of the crunch.

The week we begin to see 9pm as "early" and 12am as "norm".
The week we begin to play mind games with ourselves.
The week we irk the client to no end.
The week we push each team member (in a good way, hopefully).
The week we get pushed by our managers.
The week we begin to question ourselves at every breathing second,


I always have an answer, but this answer eludes me in my weakest moments.
I like the challenge.
I like doing the job that no one thinks is humane.
I like beating the odds.
I like it.

Not because of the money. (it sucks)
Not because of the clients. (sometimes they suck)
Not because of the bosses. (90% they're backstabbers)

More because of the people I get to work with, not that it works out in every place.
More because of the things I get to see.
More because of the knowledge I gain.
More because of how much it makes me grow, in person, in mind, in life.

I used to be this super biatch in my ex-firm, like, total pain-in-the-f**king-ass biatch.
Scaring my juniors to no end, getting branded the "fierce" and "scary" person to work with.

This is not to say I don't have that label now, but I have really toned down as compared to before, and these words are not from me, Thank Goodness! But from my peers who happened to see me at my worst, and see me now, at my improved version.

I'm glad to have them in my life, they motivate me to continue changing.

I don't really like the comments I received that I'm fierce nowadays, because I am truly trying to be better than I was yesterday. And I try first, to be nice, but due to a lack of patience (still working on it), I give up after 2-3 times of being nice, and let the old me surface to take charge because sometimes things need to get done and someone's got to take a stand.

Recently, I've taken up the challenge to "TOLERATE".

But I told myself, hey, since you named one of the reasons why you love your job as "loving the challenge" then hey, why not?

I plan to set myself a new challenge each day from tomorrow onwards.

Challenge for tomorrow: DO NOT COMPLAIN. (15 April 2014)

This is a mad challenge for me but I know I'm getting on some of my friends' nerves by over-complaining and I'd like to stop.

This is gonna be quite good.

After thought: Can I complain in here instead of verbally??????? *wince*

Monday, April 14, 2014

Night 11: Our first meal

I had dinner at the place we had our first dinner last night.

Tho I subsequently went there numerous times after, I still remembered that night vividly. Who was with us, what we chatted about, and even the topic that got us to go out again, the very next day.

The missing isn't getting any easier. Distractions are the only cure. But I'm suffering from the distractions, it's to costly. 

For the past half hour, I've been wondering where a whopping amount of SGD 400 has gone to.

It turns out, it went to activities I non-delayed-gratificationly splurged on.

Friday night Club Street dinner: $60
Paying back an old bill: $20
Sunday high-tea: $52
Shopping: $165
MRT reload: $20
Dinner on Sunday: $20
Bunny ears (reimbursable): $65

That's a total of $402. 💔

I need to buck up.

Ugly looking spaghetti from TCC, Clarke Quay

The Landing Point, Fullerton Bay Hotel

The babes and I had a thorough blast for the week and decided we needed to indulge in a chill and posh factor for the weekend.

So we got ourselves all dressed up, chic and shit, and moved our asses to town on a Sunday. 

To be honest, the food really wasn't much fun, pretty average, and quite costly. 

First row is mostly choc based stuff (too sweet for me)

 Second row of savouries, I enjoyed these, my favs are the Lobster, and Salmon

Final row of more sweet stuff

This is how it works:
1) Order your tea
2) It'll come with your tea and a 2-dimensional sphere of finger foods (savory and sweet) 
- unlimited refills from 3pm to 5.30pm
3) Eat, drink and soak in the view (if you get a good seat)
4) Pay your bill and wince at the SGD 45++ bite to your wallet

At the end of the day, we wanted to have a good time, with a different setting.

With that in mind, the price seemed worthwhile. (to a certain extent)

The reason for the exorbitance

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Night 10: No photos of shop stuff

Hmm. This has been a little puzzling for me. In this day and age, it's so easy to find pictures and/or information of anything via the www so why do shop owners get their knickers in a twist over it?

Wouldn't they gain in almost every way from the sharing of those photos via social media?

Anyhow, I encountered this a few minutes ago, haha. Was shopping for Bunny Ear headbands for an upcoming hen's night. 

The aim was bunny ears like these pair of cuties:
Attica Glitter Bunny Ears
Got these from Attica, yes the club.

I was rather excited that I found a shop with something similar at my first attempt. Without thinking I whipped out my phone and snapped a quick pic and sent it for opinions in the whatsapp group chat.

All this while the shop owner was standing there and you can imagine my surprise when he suddenly said very loudly, after I'd already sent the pic to the chat... 


And sure enough, above the rack with the headbands, was a small sign (not bluffing), saying:

"No Photography
FINE: $100"

Err, ok. I was prepared to apologize and make my purchase. But believe it or not, this dude (guy in his late 20s or early 30s???), wasn't happy! He proceeded to point to my phone...


Clearly a man of few but loud words.

This sentence and volume obviously didn't go to well with my nature and hence I retorted back at him...
and marched off.

The Bunny Ears from the Anal Shop
Perplexing. I was thinking to myself as I was huffing away on whether I should tell him that this is ridiculous seeing as all I was doing was getting opinions to BUY THE ITEM. 

But I didn't bother. He wouldn't have known what I was doing with the picture. 

I found another shop selling a different type of bunny ears (not as pretty), and this time, asked the lady owners for permission to take a picture, and the response was in total contrast to my earlier experience. 


The Bunny Ears from the Friendly Shop
Totally stumped. Must ask Google why these variants exist.

Oh well. Interesting.

I love my job I love my job I love my job

OMGEEEEEE. I received a package in the office mail, freaking thick package. >.<

-le fat package-

Background info: My job requires me to constantly receive documents from my clients, but action documents are never more than 10 pieces at a time, and these 10 pieces consist of stacks of maximum 4-5 pages, ONLY.

I hoped and hoped and hoped that this package wasn't containing action documents, but I was wrong, how gloomy.

Turns out the package consisted of 4 stacks, with numbers of pages, as follows:

Stack 1: <20 pages - still alright, I guess
Stack 2: 87 pages - le sigh~
Stack 3: 441 pages - OMGWTFBBQAreYouFriggingKIDDINGME
Stack 4: 163 pages - I no longer give a shit about >100 pages after Stack 3.

HOORAY for WORK. T______T

Further information, I am not senile, I did not count the pages in the stacks to come up with those figures, there were indicative numbers on the upper right corner of each page:

Page xx of 441. SHIT.

Approximately one ream worth of action documents. [The tree huggers are gonna kill me]

Hence why I said, I love my job I love my job I love my job.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I wanna find pasta now, this is making me hungry.

10 reasons why Bear bear Pato is the love of my life!

10. Bear bear Pato pulls off rainbow colors without looking tacky (to me..)

9. Bear bear Pato is cute even tho he's got a beer belly

8. Bear bear Pato doesn't fart when I hug time tightly! (Oops, tmi) 

7. Bear bear Pato doesn't mind taking selfies with me (I think...)

6. Bear bear Pato hugs me to sleep every night (I'm delusional)

5. Bear bear Pato wipes away my tears (not much of a choice?)

4. Bear bear Pato is a great listener

3. Bear bear Pato is always waiting for me when I get home

2. Bear bear Pato always smiles at me, no matter how I scold him

1. Bear bear Pato is physically here with me everyday

I miss you, love.


Night 9: You Never Know

-drink, dance, drunk-

Went out with my friends tonight, ok, my colleagues, and one of their sisters.

During this outing, I was awake, alert, and aware.

I saw Big Sis succumb to the guy who had had his eyes on her since the beginning via an intense French kiss.

Luckily she's single.

Her sister, who is like I, in a LDR, was also a target of another member of the opposite sex, but fortunately, nothing of the similar occurred.

The only ones whose minds were alert consisted of myself, and Ms. C, who was clearly focusing on her impending reconciliation/closure meet with her ex-bf/unknown-statused guy, next week. We kept each other company, whilst watching over those who were no-so-in-control.

No matter what, I'm typing this whilst seated on my chair in my room, using my desk-sitting laptop, so I am, perfectly ok.

Whatever the situation may be, this is definitely the first night without him that I am awake and sober and consciously not wanting to heed to other males advances.

Damn, I hear chirping birds. Goodnight.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The interpretation of Love: When Love Arrives

Saw this. This is just sweet and awesome.

When Love Arrives by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye
I knew exactly what love looked like – in seventh grade
Even though I hadn’t met love yet, if love had wandered into my homeroom, I would’ve recognized him at first glance. Love wore a hemp necklace.
I would’ve recognized her at first glance, love wore a tight french braid.
Love played acoustic guitar and knew all my favorite Beatles songs.
Love wasn’t afraid to ride the bus with me.
And I knew, I just must be searching the wrong classrooms, just must be checking the wrong hallways, she was there, I was sure of it.
If only I could find him.
But when love finally showed up, she had a bow cut.
He wore the same clothes every day for a week.
Love hated the bus.
Love didn’t know anything about The Beatles.
Instead, every time I try to kiss love, our teeth got in the way.
Love became the reason I lied to my parents. I’m going to- Ben’s house.
Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor, but made sure we never missed a slow song.
Love waited by the phone because she knew if her father picked up it would be: “Hello? Hello? I guess they hung up.”
And love grew, stretched like a trampoline.
Love changed. Love disappeared,
Slowly, like baby teeth, losing parts of me I thought I needed.
Love vanished like an amateur magician, and everyone could see the trapdoor but me.
Like a flat tire, there were other places I planned on going, but my plans didn’t matter.
Love stayed away for years, and when love finally reappeared, I barely recognized him.
Love smelt different now, had darker eyes, a broader back, love came with freckles I didn’t recognize.
New birthmarks, a softer voice.
Now there were new sleeping patterns, new favorite books.
Love had songs that reminded him of someone else, songs love didn’t like to listen to. So did I.
But we found a park bench that fit us perfectly
We found jokes that make us laugh.
And now, love makes me fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies.
But love will probably finish most of them for a midnight snack.
Love looks great in lingerie but still likes to wear her retainer.
Love is a terrible driver, but a great navigator.
Love knows where she’s going, it just might take her two hours longer than she planned.
Love is messier now, not as simple.
Love uses the words “boobs” in front of my parents.
Love chews too loud.
Love leaves the cap off the toothpaste.
Love uses smiley faces in her text messages.
And turns out, love shits!
But love also cries.
And love will tell you you are beautiful and mean it, over and over again. “You are beautiful.”
When you first wake up, “you are beautiful.”
When you’ve just been crying, “you are beautiful.”
When you don’t want to hear it, “you are beautiful.”
When you don’t believe it, “you are beautiful.”
When nobody else will tell you, “you are beautiful.”
Love still thinks you are beautiful.
But love is not perfect and will sometimes forget, when you need to hear it most, you are beautiful, do not forget this.
Love is not who you were expecting, love is not who you can predict.
Maybe love is in New York City, already asleep;
You are in California, Australia, wide awake.
Maybe love is always in the wrong time zone.
Maybe love is not ready for you.
Maybe you are not ready for love.
Maybe love just isn’t the marrying type.
Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years after the divorce, love is older now, but just as beautiful as you remembered.
Maybe love is only there for a month.
Maybe love is there for every firework, every birthday party, every hospital visit.
Maybe love stays- maybe love can’t.
Maybe love shouldn’t.
Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to,
And love leaves exactly when love must.
When love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.”
If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her.
Turn off the music, listen to the quiet, whisper,
“Thank you for stopping by.”

Night 8: Memories

Sent Chiakaban and Rilakkuma to Serangoon MRT before heading home today.
Passed by the food store where I conned you that I hadn't eaten, but actually I had.
And in the end, you over-ordered as usual had we had a blast fun time trying to finish all the food.

Grilled fish and lala.

Then I saw this. Reminds me of our own fond memory of Gordon's meme,
"Why did the Chicken cross the road?"
"Because you didn't f**king COOK it!"

So many memories, whichever way I turn.

-Gordon at his best-

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Night 7: It's alright

I won't budge.

I see your smile through pictures taken by others.

I still won't budge.

Not till this message is understood loud and clear that trust and communication must exist with us.

Until then, I won't budge.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beginning to Regret My Decision

Bought him a new phone for his adventure, as a sign of a blessing, and as a sign of trust in him.

Hoped he would put it to good use, to keep in contact.

Well, he is, using it to attract the attention of the opposite gender, to let them find their names on this cursed social network, to awkwardly add themselves as his friends since, as he says, they don't have Internet like he does.

The next decision I'm gonna start to regret is encouraging him to immediately get the Internet.

Transparency and Trust, vital to the success of this relationship, without them, marks the potential demise.

How do you begin to tell someone that this isn't about jealously, but it's about trust and open honest communication?

Apparently my message is still being misinterpreted.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Our countdown widget has gone defunct!
I'm really upset right now!

Contemplating finding a new countdown widget but yet wanting to see if it'll recover.


The Loft Cafe

Was initially dreading today's lunch session as both Laughing Buddha & 7UP were paying the team a visit at the project site. (dreading the latter more than the former, sue me)

However, Laughing Buddha decided to give us a treat and the lunch was quite enjoyable!

The Loft Café (upstairs), is also known as the The Loft Pancakes & Waffles (downstairs), is fully air-conditioned and has lovely sofas for non-meal goers to relax and chill. If you didn't bring anything to entertain yourself, they even provide books and magazines for your browsing pleasure.

What I really liked was the FOOD.
I had an Aglio Olio with additional bacon as it did not come with any.

Oooo I loved the bacon because it was fried to a golden crisp. The smell was absolutely delish and well, if the boyfie and I were here, we'd be analyzing the dish much more.

I definitely wanna bring him here when he comes back to Singapore.

~Yum Yum for S$13.90~

Location: 268A South Bridge Road (off Smith Street) Singapore 058817

Chinatown MRT (Walk another 7 mins, nearer to the big temple, opposite the Maxwell Food Court)

Operating hours:
Tues - Sat 9am-10pm
Sunday 9am-9pm
Monday Closed

Night 5: The Start

It hurts so bad.
The pain is totally unbearable.
Every step that I take makes me wince.
I can't walk straight with the pain.

I did 10 squats in the morning before going to work.
And I ran/hobbled/walked 1.5 kilometers last night.


I'm truly a lembik taufoo.
And this taufoo miss youuuuuu.

Ok I admit I did tear a bit when saying goodnight to you.

But seriously that car alarm which did not get shut down for 30 minutes really got on my nerve!!!
I even fell asleep without knowing when it was eventually done.

Exercise is good. It makes me tired and pushes my body out of its unhealthy comfort zone.
And it makes me sleep easier too.

My thighs are still hurting. *moans*
If you were here I'd want piggy-backs everywhere...and snuggles, and cuddles, and everything lah.

Love you! End of Night 5 of 115. Come on!


today I came across this word during my orientation.
simple yet not many know the real meaning of it.

Its the missing that drives me.
I can't lose, not this life.

I am sleepy.
We will do fine!
but I still miss you.

Monday, April 7, 2014

I've enslaved myself to my Work (nah)

Heh. So I thought.

Truth be told, I can't focus on my work.
I may begin to attempt a task, but my thoughts wander to what you're doing, but yet I refrain from texting you, or replying your texts (yes I am aware you will read this).

I gotta learn how to get through this phase, to get used to it, at least for these 24 months, if not, it'd be for nothing, right?

I can't keep texting you and telling you I miss you, you'd already know that, we know that, but no amount of "I miss you so much" messages is gonna make you appear right next to me...and I've got to accept that fact.

From breaking large tasks into segments, and breaking segments into more segments, I can't even get one bloody teensy weensy segment done! And I'm so angry with myself!

Then I turned to Mr. Google and read some "long distance relationship" survival blogs, which some are like totally shit, they go like this...

"Five things you need to know about long distance relationships:
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea
It's a bad idea"

-from here (it was a comment of the article)
Obviously that person was a beyond moronic moron.

I read so many other things today, some encouraging, some made me wanna cry (but I didn't!) and some made me miss you even more.

And the end of the day, it's us that is the deciding factor of whether this will work out.
Well, us and some of these pointers that I've summarized from the articles/blogs I've read, to motivate US, love:

1) An End Game Objective (Why are we doing this?)
- a target to justify the stress of being apart (eg, your reaping of experience, us being together after 24 months)

2) Trust is Super Duper Important
- it already is, in a normal relationship, but even more so in a LDR, but in our case, we seem quite alright with this, right love?

3) Communication despite Timing Issues
- well, we kinda know this too right? Singapore - United Arab Emirates has a bloody 4 hour lag. Gah. Sob sob. At least now we have a dumbo Siri to accompany us in one way chats so we don't look lonely and pathetic.

4) An Accepting Attitude
- we apparently have to accept the fact that relationships in general aren't easy, and adding long distance to the mix means it's worse, and adding our time difference factor in, hooray, a combo we just love eh?

5) Planning
- to make sure we plan the next meet up before this one ends. Which in our case, we did, via my buying a plane ticket to see you in July as soon as we received your one way ticket to the United Arab Emirates.

On a positive note, I had a pretty decent appetite today, finished 2/3 of the claypot tikus-noodle that Kheng and I shared. =D
Although this might have been attributed by my pathetic breakfast of one apple and one kiwi, like seriously WHO DOES THAT?!

Argh I miss you!!!! But it seems to be looking ok, I think?

Night 4: Getting better

Last night I kept chanting to myself;
"If you cry you're gonna have itchy eyes,
If you have itchy eyes you're gonna rub 'em,
If you rub 'em you're gonna have swollen eyes" 
Over and over until I fell asleep. 

It's gonna get better, this move was for a greater purpose.

There's no point being so gone with the wind and down under.

End of night 4 of 115. Soon love, soon.
Though still not soon enough. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I can't stand Buses, Trains & Malls (right now)

Everything reminds me of you.
Seeing the stampede of couples everywhere I turn, does not ease the pain.

I hate it when I see them holding hands.
I hate it when I see them looking at each other.
I hate it when I see them lean on each other when the train lurches.
I hate it when I see them steal kisses on the escalator.
I hate it when I see them hugging on the train.

Everything reminds me of us.

Get me back to Bishan, maybe I should never have left the room. 

Damn this guy just kissed his girl so loudly. DAMN!

La vie est une montée

Wonder what does the title says?
It means life's a climb, you know like the quote you heard from old folks?
Life's a climb, but the view is great, I am kinda missed out the behind, so be it.

so, who am I? I am spiderman, superman? Nahhh, I am no superhero but I am this blogger owner copain , so we kinda sharing this blog but she is doing all the decoration and customization. I am just filling it up with post.

Where am I? I am actually relocated to United Arab Emirates for the next 24month. Now you're getting why with all the depression and sobbing in the previous few post. I couldn't help it as I did sob for a bit, not much but a bit (can't do much, gotta keep the reputation up.). Well, it is good to know she is missing me, like a lot. It's a good news, means she likes me, I am glad. Hey, you guys reader there, if your copine have no reaction when you are far away, you better touch up the balls, you know what I mean. Cheers.

What I am doing so far away? I am working here. I cook, like feeding hungry people that they pay me with small rectangular note after that? that is what I do, collecting as much rectangular note as I can within this 24 month, so wish me luck.

How is there? hmm, well I can say it's pretty fine over here. Mostly sand at the suburb and metal steels building in the main area, very tall building. I am provided with shelter, food, indoor entertainment, transportation, and a lot more. It's a lot better than what I've thought of. I am surrounded with friendly and multi-national homosapiens (at least 64 different countries). 

Do you worried about the fat lil' dragon? Of course i am worried, that is the firs thing that come to my mind when I got the opportunity. She my queen, a spoiled one, by me. I told her give me the time I needed so I can have something for our future. It's going to be tough for her. In fact, it is tough for all females when they face this kind of situation. All you need is to keep them updated of what happen and what don't happen. Keep the calling and planning going, I think we will do fine, 24 month going to be over in a blink. I will always love her.

It has been a while since my last blogging, so keep it up. Before I go, I will finish up the last part of the title, it continue like this ...., mais la vue est magnifique. Keep smiling folks, cheers!

ps : Je t'aime bien my fat lil' dragon. Keep me update okay?

Night 3: Iron Man and Moi

Yup, I watched Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2.
Hated the kiss kiss scene at the end of Iron Man 2. Made me mish you soooo bad.

And yeah, I still cried quite a bit last night.

Ok let me dig out the source of why I'd burst into a waterfall:

1) The nights
Why are the nights the most unbearable? Because we've been physically seeing each other for almost every night since 16 months ago. Seeing through screen totally sucks.

2) Changes
For example yesterday when the fat woman moved the room around and removed the bedding from your bed. But worst of all, she folded the card you left for me. I know, its not a big deal, but the significance of that card to me is so great that I was totally crushed when I saw a nasty fold in the card.

3) Talking about you
When friends ask me how I'm doing, and I'm not doing well. This should get better in like, half a year?

4) Missing you exchanges
When we chat and we start missing each other and everything we'd usually do.
These can range from a slight sniffle-trickle, to a whole electric storm.

But anyway, that was the end of Night 3 without you. Perhaps it was Iron Man, but I went to sleep a little faster. Shall note it as a way to cope. Hmm.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Homemade Chinese Corn & Spare Ribs Soup

Day 2 without the boyfie.
LDR is stupidly not-easy. I've lost my appetite from the emotions I'm experiencing, but, I still take liquids.

For example, day 1 without him:

My colleague bought me a breakfast set from Ya Kun:
- Teh
- Two soft-boiled eggs
- Butter sugar toast

I only nibbled at the toast and didn't even finish. Sigh. So unlike me. But I finished the tea and the eggs.
For the two months before he left, the boyfie wasn't working so he made me breakie everyday, it would either be a substantial sandwich (the whole works with dressing), or omelettes, cereal, etc.

Even for lunch, I ordered a Loh Mee, which kinda sucked real bad, but even so the normal me would've eaten it as it's lunch time, but no, I had one bite. I then bought an avocado milkshake and demolished that pretty quickly.

I'm not ignorant to my body's needs for food, I feel the hunger, but just have no appetite.
But I realised that I was still alright with liquids.

So today, I woke up at 10.30am, and headed to the nearby neighbourhood supermarket and bought some ingredients for homemade corn spare ribs soup.

Ingredients list with the estimated cost:
- Spare ribs (250 grams - $2.60)
- Corn (1 whole corn - $0.70)
- Dried oyster (2 pieces - $0.10 approx)
- Tiny dried scallops (3-4 pieces - $0.25 approx)
- Dried cuttlefish (half a cuttlefish - $0.20 approx)
- Water (1 to 1.5 liters)

Less than $5 leh for soup!!!!

You might want to add red dates, just a handful, bout 5? I didn't have any.

Preparation (5-10 mins)
1) Put spare ribs into a bowl and pour hot water over it until the level of water covers the spare ribs and leave it to clean the spare ribs and remove impurities. (takes longer if pork is frozen)
2) Prepare pot of 1 to 1.5 liters of water
3) Take the dried items - rinse and place in water
4) Peel corn and chop into 4 pieces (carefully!) - wash and place in water
5) By this time, pork should be nicely cleaned - remove pork from hot water and place in pot with other stuff

Cook & Serve
6) I use a vacuum pot so I just bring to boil (10 -15 mins) and throw it in the vacuum for the rest of the hour
- (If no vacuum pot - Boil the pot with ingredients for 45mins to 1 hour)
7) Add about 1 teaspoon of salt (to your taste)
8) Add some pepper for awesomeness
9) Serve with rice or without for a healthy, homemade, and CHEAP meal

-yum yum yum for only less than $5!!!-

Kin Kin Chili Pan Mee Singapore

Alright. So my good sense says I should shaddap with the whining and write something about my beloved, FOOD.

Last week, I found out that Kin Kin Chili Pan Mee from KL was finally in Singapore. Imagine my total excitement! I practically wanted to eat it at that moment. Hence the boyfie, who is a total food-die-hard as well (yes he was still in town), said we would go that day itself.

For those who don't know, Kin Kin Chili Pan Mee is best known for its DRY CHILI PAN MEE. <3

We reached Kin Kin by 8pm, it was closed. WHAT? Yes, they sold out.
We then found out they had only begun operations for a few days, OMG.
Opened since 22nd March only!

We tried the next day, and arrived by 7pm. Frustration greeted us, sold out, CLOSED.

I told my boyfie, the only way, was Saturday.

We arrived by 10.30am, Kin Kin starts operations at 11am. We were the 5th in line. JOY TO THE WORLD!

Kin Kin's Singapore dry chili pan mee, is awesome. I love the chili and eat it as is. Yes. As is.

Ommmmm nom nom nom nom.

Dry chili pan mee is an absolute heaven-made creation.

Ok so what's different about it compared to the Malaysian branch???

What I love:
1) The taste is absolutely consistent
2) The outlet is super clean
3) The outlet is air conditioned (only the Cheras and Publika branch [food court] are in Malaysia)
4) The owners have a systematic way of handling customers to avoid over-crowding the place

What I don't really fancy
1) The meatballs added to the noodles, to me, they are a bit stinky?? (only my opinion, kay)
2) It's kinda far (not located in the CBD) - see location details after the picture!

But heck, AWESOME.


 -the beloved chili i loveeeee-

 -the queue-

 -the interior, as you can see at the door, there's crowd control!!-

-the counter to order, they operate on a pay first then wait basis-

Location: 534 Macpherson Road, Singapore 368220

Tai Seng MRT (Walk another 10 mins)

By taxi:
Ask for Macpherson Road, opposite the Caltex Station, they are able to get you there quite smoothly.

I'll be back for you!

Night 2: A chikopeh, drinks, and clubbing (I tried)

For every alternate "mope" post, I will HOPE to have a "positive" post.
I have to, if not this blog will be so damn gloomy and pathetic, and so will I.

Hence, as it was Friday, the solution I turned to, to cure my gloom, or so I thought, was Mr. Booze.

It was actually a forced client dinner-drinks-social thing which my manager, R, conned me into attending with his message:

"...so I confirmed that both of us are going, so don't say no ok? Hahahahahaha...."

Erm. Moron????

But anyway, if I hadn't gone, I would have been cowering in my room and crying my eyes out, so I went. I did not dress up. I did not feel like it.

We went to Hooters, seriously, Hooters. Le Sigh.
Skimpily dressed girls with WTF bodies, you could see the muffin tops begging to be released from those uniforms! I felt sorry for the girls who allowed their butt cheeks to be so scantily exposed. Then I also found out, from my chikopeh client, B, that Oh! The girls come from many places! Philippines, Vietnam, China, were the few that were interrogated when they served our beers.

As it turned out, there were only 3 of us there, my manager, R, the client, B, and moi. Epic. Stuck with two guys, drinking, on a Friday night. Awkward. Well, I was the lead of the project. So I had no real reason to back out. But hurrah, luckily for me, the client remembered the prior years' leads and asked if they were also available to join us for drinks. One was a girl, the other, not. And both agreed. GOOD.

Hence the party now had, my manager, R, the client, B, prior year girl lead, WX, prior year guy lead, J, and moi.

I had 3 Coronas, and an Erdinger. Whoopee.

During the drinking session, a member of the party casually hinted that a visit to a nightclub was necessary in order for the client to experience a fulfilling night enjoying what Singapore had to offer. Being the chikopeh client, the suggestion was made for Shanghai Dolly.

We entered the club and my manager paid for a bottle of Chivas, which pained WX who then ordered another two bottles of the same stuff and paid it herself, I felt guilty but I was already dead broke for the month after some instant-gratification purchases which I don't regret (Haha!). I never did get to see us finish the three bottles, only managed to see 1.5 bottles get drained.

I have to mention: I suck when drinks get mixed, like different beers, and beers with whisky, etc.

Hammered or not, I managed to find my way home after getting myself released from the grasp of the chikopeh client, a totally challenging ordeal.

Still managed to whatsapp the boyfie, got to see a glimpse of him through a lousier-than-thou connection and then cried myself to sleep. Seriously. I need to get a grip. Ugh.

End of Night 2 of 115. I miss you, my love.

Friday, April 4, 2014


He's landed safely at Dubai.

For this I am grateful, for this I am cheered, though only slightly, but cheered nonetheless.

Je t'aime bien. <3

Night 1

The night has passed.

One of the most difficult nights that I've ever had to weather through. 

Seeing you with your luggage, seeing you check-in, seeing you enter that departure hall, seeing you stand at the customs counter, seeing you wave me goodbye, seeing you walk towards gate A11.

Going home without you was worse, getting down those steps alone, getting into the elevator alone, getting myself into the house alone, getting into our room alone, getting into bed alone.

I'm so sorry I couldn't hold back my tears, it began trickling as soon as I saw you turn after your last goodbye wave. The trickle turned to a endless gush once I got into the taxi. And though I wanted to stop when you FaceTime-d me, I couldn't. I'm sorry. 

The tears just kept racing down my face like an endless waterfall, I have no idea where the supply came from, I have no idea where the strength to cry came from, nor do I know where sleep was hiding, it might have been sick of my wails, as the thing I knew, it punched me in the face and knocked me out.

I awoke at 7.45am without the help of the alarm that Siri set for me, as that damned piece of technology ran out of charge during the night. 

I felt like a robot, going through the motions, knowing where you'd be if you were around, placing you in the room with my imagination, and erasing you to accept that you weren't there.

I miss you so much that it hurts so bad. Night 1 of 115 has passed. I will look to this Day 1 without you with the objective of survival, to survive this day without too many tears, without too many falls.

The aircraft you're in is probably about to begin it's descend into Doha. I just passed Orchard MRT. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Reason is You

Today is the second last day before the dreaded flight.
The second last day before I go home to an empty room, filled with memories, but void of his warmth.
For a minimum of 2 years.

During this 2 years, I am compelled to get the following checked off my to-do list.

1) Get bloody blogging with consistency!
2) Learn a new language that I've zero familiarity with!
3) Get lean, mean and fit.
4) Stay complexion healthy.
5) Save. (Duh I mean money)

All these, whilst maintaining my love for good food, good clubbing, good friends, and being a good daughter + sister. Two years now seem short, talk about a tall order.

I have to get this list out before he leaves, for fear that I will use his leaving tomorrow as an excuse to begin my waterfall of emotions, to procrastinate every good intent, and worst of all, to not make good these two precious years of my life whilst he's away.

Plus points to ensure achievements of the above...

1) I have access to a PC, everyday.
2) Duolingo (a fantastic "learn-a-new-language app"
3) Bishan has a bloody awesome swimming complex, a new gym.
4) Sleep? Fruits? We'll get there later.
5) This needs more thinking. (Wait)

If he's determined to make this move to make a change for the better, then why should I not?
Fiercely determined.